How To Drain Septic Tank?

How To Drain Septic Tank?

How To Drain Septic Tank?

Septic tanks are one the significant parts of a home’s plumbing system. If you have a septic tank, ensure to keep its maintenance by calling professionals for septic pumping in Sparks. Septic systems are installed in about 1 in 4 homes in the U.S. and are commonly found in rural areas that are not served by municipal sewer service. Septic tanks overflow because of inadequate fecal matter and food waste breakdown, which promotes sludge formation in the septic tanks. The improper treatment of septic tanks with food and bathroom waste can cause clogging, which causes the release of unpleasant odors and the occurrence of backflows because of sludge buildup. Therefore, septic tank draining is necessary.

When Should I Clean My Septic Tank?

Your septic tank likely needs cleaning if your drains are clogged, and there is an unpleasant smell. If no warning signs appear in three to five years, you should still consider septic tank pumping. Consulting the best plumbers in Reno can prevent major damages and expensive repairs.

A septic service expert should evaluate the household septic system at least once every three years. Household septic tanks need pumping every three to five years. Alternative systems that contain electrical float switches, pumps, or mechanical parts require more frequent inspections, usually once a year.

Can I Pump My Septic Tank?

Septic tank pumping is a laborious process. It requires professional n licensed people to handle the job. Generally, septic tank pumping involves a pump truck removing the sludge, effluent, and scum in the tank, then leaving the tank empty and prepared for refilling.
You could incur hefty fines for doing so yourself because you risk lives and spoil the environment. Licensed companies usually do this.

Factors Influencing The Frequency Of Pumping

Several Elements Determine How Frequently This Needs To Be Done.

• Size of the household: Larger households produce more waste, which causes the septic tank to fill up more quickly.
• The volume of wastewater: The amount of wastewater entering the septic tank might influence how quickly it fills up.
• The number of solids present in the wastewater: Families using garbage disposals or having many toilets tend to use up their septic tanks faster.
• Size of the septic tank: Larger tanks have a higher capacity to contain solid sludge, requiring less frequent pumping.

Warning Signs Of A Full Septic Tank

• Slow drains, especially if the issue affects multiple drains.
• Backflow of sewage into your house.
• Standing water in your yard or untreated sewage.
• Foul smells emanating from your home or the exterior.


Do not attempt to pump your septic tank yourself. Contact licensed plumbing contractor services in Reno NV, for professional septic system services. The experts always comply with state and local guidelines, ensuring you are fully protected from any fines and penalties. A septic service inspection of the tank ensures smooth functioning. You should call your local septic service technicians to pump out septic tank waste and inspect the tank.