If your shower drain frequently becomes clogged, then you may find yourself pouring a caustic drain-cleaning liquid down this drain on a regular basis in an attempt to clear the clogs. Unfortunately, not only are these drain-cleaning solutions messy and inconvenient to use, but they can also damage some pipes over time when they are overused.
These solutions create a chemical reaction within your pipes that creates heat; this heat can damage both PVC and metal pipes, especially if they are already corroded.
Instead of waiting for your shower drain to clog and then attempting to unclog it on your own, determine what is clogging your shower drain and then eliminate the cause of the clogs. You may be surprised to find that just one or two of your shower habits are causing the clogs.
Read on to learn about four common causes of a chronically clogged shower drain.
1. Using Bar Soap
Similar to how soap scum can accumulate on the surface of a shower or bathtub, this scum can also accumulate on the inside of your bathroom pipes as the lather goes down the drain. As soap scum builds up on the inside of your pipes over time, other debris rinsed down the shower drain can stick to this buildup and create a clog.
In addition, bars of soap naturally shrink in size as they are used, and the last remnants of a bar of soap can easily make their way into your shower drain by accident and become lodged in your shower drain trap. There, they can create a clog, especially if other debris rinsed down the shower drain sticks to them.
If you use bar soap when showering, then you may notice a dramatic reduction in your shower clogs when you swap out the bar soap for a liquid body wash.
2. Not Using a Hair Catcher
The average human sheds about 50 to 100 hairs each day, and it is not unusual for these hairs to shed in the shower as you shampoo and rinse your hair. For this reason, hair accumulation is one of the most common causes of a clogged shower drain, so you should always keep your shower drain covered with a hair catcher to prevent these clogs. Additionally, significant blockages may also cause extensive damage and necessitate the assistance of plumbers in Reno.
However, keep in mind that very short hairs, such as those removed when shaving, often flow right into the shower drain when you have a hair catcher with relatively large holes. Unfortunately, even very short hairs can clog a shower drain over time as they stick to soap scum, shaving cream residue, and other personal care products that tend to coat the insides of bathroom pipes.
To prevent drain clogs caused by short hairs, choose a hair catcher with a very fine mesh size that catches more hair than one with large holes, or avoid shaving in the shower altogether if possible.
3. Showering When You’re Covered in Sand
If you or your family members frequently visit the beach or you have a small child who enjoys playing in their outdoor sandbox, then people in your home may shower when they are covered in sand. Unfortunately, while rinsing sand off your body in the shower is convenient, the sand that flows down the shower drain can contribute to drain clogs, especially if your home is equipped with older cast-iron or galvanized steel pipes.
The inside surfaces of metal pipes can corrode over time, which creates a rough inner pipe surface. Sand particles are attracted to these rougher areas and can stick to them, contributing to a frequently clogged drain.
To keep sand out of your shower drain, have family members rinse sand off their body with your garden house outdoors before entering the shower.
4. Using Drain-Clogging Body Scrubs
Soap is not the only personal care product that can contribute to a clogged shower drain. Many body scrubs used to exfoliate skin also contain drain-clogging ingredients, such as coffee grounds or nutshell particles. Just like sand, these small particles can become embedded in rough, corroded areas of your drainpipes or accumulate in your shower drain trap.
Avoid the use of these body scrubs in the shower to prevent drain clogs. Instead, try an exfoliating cloth or mitt that can remove dead skin cells just as well without clogging your drain. Or opt for a water-soluble sugar- or salt-based body scrub instead of one filled with grainy particles that do not dissolve in water.
If your shower drain becomes clogged very often, then attempt to determine and eliminate the cause of the frequent clogs instead of regularly dumping messy and damaging drain-cleaning solutions down your shower drain. If you currently have a clogged shower drain and need help unclogging it, contact the plumbing experts at Easy Rooter Plumbing today. We can help you with all your plumbing needs.